Graduate student affiliates of the YRIHS work with YRIHS faculty on dissertations in the history of sexuality. Current and former affiliates have conducted research at the intersections of the history of sexuality and the history of capitalism, law, religion, mass media, race, gender, social movements, and the city. They are a remarkable group of emerging scholars who have taken courses together on the history of sexuality and created a thriving and supportive intellectual community at Yale.
Graduate affiliates regularly attend YRIHS lectures and participate in small discussions about the state of the field over lunch with our visiting lecturers. Advanced students organize symposia related to their dissertation research (e.g., Free Love, Free Markets: Histories of Capitalism and Sexuality, spring 2014), which typically feature a panel discussion open to the public, followed by a closed workshop at which graduate affiliates and invited guests discuss pre-circulated papers.
In recent years, the YRIHS has also provided funds for small groups of graduate students to travel together to present their research at the European Social Science History Conferences (History of Sexuality Network) in Glasgow (2012) and Vienna (2014) and to participate in large international conferences such as Sexual Nationalisms: Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Belonging in the New Europe (University of Amsterdam, January 2011) and smaller workshops such as Rethinking European (Homo)Sexual Modernity (University of Antwerp, March 2010). Because we believe it is important for students to meet other scholars and get feedback on their work, we also provide funds to supplement the other grants available to affiliates for travel to present their research at the meetings of the Organization of American Historians, American Studies Association, American Historical Association, Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, and more specialized conferences.
Many graduate affiliates also participate in the interdisciplinary Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Graduate Colloquium and Working Group, and some of them complete the Graduate Qualification in WGSS. Students writing seminar papers or dissertations in LGBT history are eligible to apply for FLAGS research grants of up to $5,000 sponsored by LGBT Studies.
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