“Considering Sexuality in the History of Atlantic Slavery”
A panel discussion exploring how attention to questions of sex, sexual violence, and intimacy might revise and expand our accounts of the history of racial slavery and the history of sexuality.
Panelists: Lamonte Aidoo (Duke), Jessica Marie Johnson (Johns Hopkins), and Emily A. Owens (Brown)
Moderator: Caleb Knapp (Yale)
Thursday, January 26, 2023, 5 pm
HQ (Humanities Quadrangle) 276, 320 York St
“The Queerness of Home: Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Domesticity after World War II”
Stephen Vider
April 12, 2023
Registered: Carcerality, Racialized, Hauntings, and The Making of The Sex Offender
A talk by Terrance Wooten, Assistant Professor, USC at Santa Barbara
April 27, 2023